The “Cuenca Municipal Action Plan for Sustainable Environmental Acoustics”, is a project approved by the European Commission under the LIFE+ financial instrument. The project will be developed through a list of actions in order to achieve its main objective: changing attitudes and raising awareness on noise in the municipality of Cuenca.
Project Actions:1. Develop the Strategic Noise Map
2. Analysis of the relationship between traffic speed and noise levels
3. Development of the Acoustic Action Plan
4. Implementation of the association of the LocalGis tool to the Noise Map
5. Installation of the LocalGis tool in the municipal departments
6. Development of the Complaints Monitoring Protocol
7. Awareness Campaigns:
7.1 Development of a Good Practices Code
7.2 Thematic Exhibition on Noise Pollution
7.3 Schools Awareness Campaign
7.4 IES Awareness Campaign
7.5 Awareness Campaign for city drivers of the municipality
7.6 Training lectures in neighbourhoods of the municipality
7.7 Training lectures for Associations of the municipality
7.8 Information campaigns for Entrepreneurs of the municipality
7.9 Information campaigns for the general population of the municipality
8. Dissemination of Knowledge: set up the local Reference Centre on Noise
9. Develop a web site on Noise Pollution: Noise Forum
10. Project description on notice boards in the municipal buildings
11. Overall project management by the Municipality of Cuenca
12. Project monitoring
13. "LAYMAN" report
14. Communication Continuous Plan after the completion of the LIFE + Project