The European Union took into account that it was necessary to establish a Community financial instrument to cover all the environment priorities, in particular the objectives of the Sixth Environment Action Programme (6th EAP) established by Decision Nº 1600/2002/EC of the European Parliament and Council, July 22nd 2002. The LIFE + Programme has three components: LIFE + Nature and Biodiversity, LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance and LIFE + Information and Communication.
The general objective of LIFE+ will be to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of policy and legislation in environmental matters, in order to contribute to sustainable development. The European Commission invited annually to the Member States of the European Union entities to participate in the LIFE+ Call for Proposals.
The City Council of Cuenca submitted the project “Cuenca Municipal Action Plan for Sustainable Environmental Acoustics” to the LIFE+ 2008 call for Proposals, within the component Environment Policy and Governance LIFE+, to support and contribute to the development and implementation of environmental noise policies.